“We wanted somewhere where we could be at peace. You know, start over.”
In this world there is an ability known as "channeling", the capacity to manipulate certain objects at will. Isaac, Milo and Rex, three young veterans from the recently finished War of The Archangels, rent a room in the pawnshop of a certain Serena, located in the suburban district of Kennel City. They hope to move on from conflicts from their past and start a new life, regardless of how hard this might be.
- 18 chapters
1.1Chapter 1.1FREE
1.2Chapter 1.2FREE
2.1Chapter 2.1FREE
2.2Chapter 2.22 Keys
3.1Chapter 3.13 Keys
3.2Chapter 3.23 Keys
4.1Chapter 4.13 Keys
4.2Chapter 4.23 Keys
5Chapter 53 Keys
6Chapter 63 Keys
7Chapter 73 Keys
8Chapter 83 Keys
9Chapter 93 Keys
10Chapter 10FREE
11Chapter 11FREE
12Chapter 12FREE
13Chapter 13FREE
14Chapter 14FREE