Keiji's Kabuki Adventure by HARA Tetsuo, HORIE Nobuhiko | DEGUCHI Masato 84 chapters Manga
  • Drama
  • Action
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Keiji's Kabuki Adventure by HARA Tetsuo, HORIE Nobuhiko | DEGUCHI Masato 84 chapters Manga READ NOW!
  • Drama
  • Action

“Heh... I've been itching to go on a journey. And you should at least be able to carry my spear!”

A year has passed since the legendary Battle of Sekigahara. Now, under the Tokugawa Shogunate, all is peace in the Land of the Rising Sun. But the dashingly arrogant Maeda Keiji is finding this new world without war to be, well, pretty dull.

  • 84 chapters

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