Just Launched: Seven New Webtoons!

by Comikey

Another day, another batch of brand new comics for our readers to enjoy! We’re pleased to announce seven new webtoons from our brand new partnership with King Productions. Take a look below and happy reading!

The Chronicle of Seven

“Just by using the Nava, the tide of war can drastically change.”
In this world, there exists a fantastical weapon called the Nava. This weapon exists in jewel form and has been split into seven pieces. Whosoever holds a Nava, holds immense, world-changing power. But so far, the Nava has just been used by world leaders for tragedy, power, and cruelty. Thus, Araeh and his elf companion, Rei, journey to destroy each and every Nava. Will they be able to triumph over immeasurable evil? Or will they crack under pressure?

By: 7 Studio
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Release date: 06/24/2022


“I know what will happen if we let these feral cats be. And I have the power to prevent it!”
Witches, spells, cat familiars, and a top-tier school to learn it all. Everything a witch needs can be found in the city of Paloma. However, once a witch completes their task, they swiftly abandon their cat familiars, leaving them all alone.
Dakota, a witch with fire elemental powers, feels for the lost, broken, and weak. How dare we just let these cats be?? So, she crafts a shelter named “Glimmer,” to act as a ray of hope for all the abandoned cats to stay until they find their new witch. Together, with her best friend Gwen, they set out to save the lost cats of Paloma and rehome them once more.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Release date: 06/25/2022

App’s Orbs

“This morning, I noticed a strange app on my phone I don’t remember installing. And what’s stranger is that I can’t uninstall it.”
Dipta has just turned 19. As she blows out the candles with her friends, she mentions a mysterious app that’s installed itself on her phone. This mysterious app gives Dipta the ability to see ghosts and produces orbs that she uses to fight off supernatural entities. However, Dipta isn't the only one using this app. Many others are also using this strange new app, and they’re up to no good.

By: Haryadhi
Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Release date: 06/26/2022

Red Velvet

“Smoking in the school halls and coming within an inch of punching me...! Do you WANT to become a thug?!”
Sena is new in town. And he’s already on the teacher’s list of bad apples. Nadira, on the other hand, is a brainy, red-headed honor roll student with low self-esteem. The two are basically oil and water. However, when Sena fails his first test and accidentally crushes Nadira’s glasses on the way to the teacher’s office, the two find something in common: each other. Will Nadira help Sena stay on the straight and narrow? And will Sena help build Nadira’s confidence? Watch as these two get into antics that’ll shape the rest of their lives.

By: Andrian Adilia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life
Release date: 06/27/2022

My Pet is a Warlord

“If things keep up like this, I’m gonna be a single woman forever!!”
He threatens the teachers, terrifies the boys, and illegally stops city buses at crosswalks. To everyone around her, Fenrir is Angie’s super powerful, kinda scary human-sized pet dog. But in reality, Angie is the descendant of a god and has signed a contract with Fenrir—a former warlord—for protection. But will she be able to go to high school, maybe even find a handsome boyfriend with this dog hot on her heels??

By: Adimas Soekidin
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School Life

Release date: 06/28/2022

Sooper Spooky

“Why are you running away from me?”
Yanda has just lost his girlfriend Karin to suicide. In his grief, he summons Ratri, the spirit guardian, and the being that guides souls safely to the spirit realm. Upon his request, she brings Yanda with her to see his lost love and manages to grant both of them peace. Call it another successful day for Ratri on the job.

Now, Ratri is being hunted by a violent group working to bring her kind to the brink of extinction for reasons that are beyond her understanding. Follow Ratri as she tries to recover memories from her past and defeat the hunters, all while ferrying souls to the afterlife.

By: Ino Septian
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy

Release date: 06/29/2022

Angel On Demand

“Consider yourself lucky. Now I’m obligated to fulfill one of your wishes as my punishment.”
Revy is just a normal girl who’s just started her sophomore year of high school. Gladiol is, well, he *WAS* angel number four. But when Revy manages to enter the angel’s paradise and steals Gladiol’s scarf as he bathes, Gladiol is cast down from the heavens, forbidden to return. Now, in order for Gladiol to enter heaven once more, Revy must experience “pure joy” upon getting her greatest wish granted. A thrilling tale about a handsome angel and an ordinary girl in their pursuit of happiness!

By: Putri Soekidin
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Release date: 06/30/2022

We plan to release chapters weekly until each webtoon is complete. These titles are non-exclusive and are now available to read on our website, as well as our iOS and Android mobile apps.
Stay tuned for more comics coming soon!